+234 8079917938, +234 7064701747, +234 9082907092 centralinfo@noun.edu.ng

Faculty of Health Science

About The Faculty

The desire for the establishment of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the National Open University of Nigeria arose from the need to provide health workers at all levels for the badly underserved regions of the country. The faculty attempts to ensure that training emphasizes relevance rather than mere academic knowledge. It is intended to achieve two closely related main objectives. One is to produce a broad range of health manpower that will serve the
depressed and underserved rural and peri-urban communities of Nigeria and the other is to design test programme models for health manpower development that would be replicable in various parts of the country and, hopefully, in other countries of the world, where health conditions are similar to those of Nigeria.

A proposal for the establishment of the Faculty of Health Sciences was made and presented to the University Senate. Thus at the 69th meeting of the Senate held on Tuesday, 24th April 2012, the report and approval for the establishment of the Faculty of Health Sciences from the then School of Science and Technology was ratified.

The Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) was carved out of the then existing School of Science and Technology (SST) now called Faculty of Sciences (FOS) as the first of its kind in Nigeria to have full-fledge-core courses in health sciences through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode. The Pioneer Dean of the Faculty was Prof Mba Okoronkwo, who was also a one-time DVC Academics of NOUN. The current Dean of the Faculty is Dr Jane-Frances Obiageli Agbu.

The Faculty of Health Sciences is dedicated to training health professionals while the uniqueness of the training mode, which is open and distance learning is that it increases access and equity in
learning. This mode, therefore, provides an opportunity for ‘work and learn’ and this is very out target students who are mostly working professionals.

Our Vision

To be regarded as the foremost University providing highly accessible and enhanced quality education, anchored on social justice, equity, equality and national cohesion through a comprehensive reach that transcends all barriers

Our Mission

To provide functional, cost effective, flexible learning which adds life-long value to quality education for all who seek knowledge.


The Faculty seeks to provide broad-based academic, professional training and competence that reflect the emphasis on the current national preventive health care systems and services through the Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system. This training mode believes in the right to education for all, irrespective of age, sex, gender and location as this helps in the expansion of access and equity to education and lifelong learning opportunities, without compromising quality. Learning is indeed a life-long, interactive process that builds on previous experience and ideally results in a change in knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and/or behaviours.

Prospective/Returning Students