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Faculty of Health Science

Department of  Environmental Health Science.

List of Courses

200 Level First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
GST 107A Study Guide for the Distance Learner2C
GST 201Nigerian Peoples and Culture2C
GST 203Introduction to Philosophy and Logic2C
EHS 201General Microbiology2C
EHS 207General Biochemistry3C
EHS 209General Biochemistry Practical1C
NSS 221Human Physiology (I)3C
PHS 201Anatomy3C
EHS 213General Microbiology Practical1C

200 Level Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
GST 202Fundamental of Peace and Conflict Resolution2C
EHS 202Introduction to Ecology and Environmental Sciences2C
EHS 206Climate Change & Contemporary Issues2C
PHS 202Nutrition in Health and Disease3C
PHS 210Introduction to Biostatistics3C
EHS 204Introduction to Environmental Health2C
EHS 208Hygiene Education and

300 Level First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
NSC 303Concept and Strategies in Public Community Health3C
EHS 315International Port Health Services2C
EHS 301Basic Instrumentation and Use2C
EHS 303General Parasitology2C
EHS 305General Entomology2C
EHS 311Introduction Environmental Management2C
EHS 313Environmental Health Information System2C
EHS 321Health Safety & Environment2C
EHS 319Introduction to Demography2C
EHS 317Solid Waste Management2C

300 Level Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
GST302Business Creation and Growth2C
EHS 304Food Hygiene and safety2C
EHS 306Sanitary Inspection of Premises2C
EHS 308Environmental Biotechnology3C
EHS 310Control of Communicable and noncommunicable Diseases2C
EHS 312Housing and Building Construction2C
EHS 314Environmental Health Services in Emergency Situation2C
EHS 318Water Resources Management2C
PHS318Principle of Epidemiology2C
ESM342Environmental Impact Assessment and Auditing3C
EHS316Immunology and Immunization2C

400 Level First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
EHS 401Meat inspection and Abattoir/Slaughter Slab Management2C
EHS 403Environmental Health Laboratory3C
EHS 405Environmental Health Administration2C
EHS 409Sewage and Waste Water Management2C
EHS 411Environmental Toxicology3C
EHS 417Environmental Health Planning2C
EHS 419Sanitary Engineering2C
PHS421Research Methods in Public Health3C

400 Level Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
EHS 402Industrial attachment (SIWES)6C

*Logbook shall carry not less than 25% of the overall industrial attachment score.

The Second Semester of the 4th Year should be used for Industrial Attachment for the students in order to expose them to Environmental Health facilities in rural and urban settings. They are required to visit Environmental Health firms, industries and laboratories to enable them acquire the skills in Environmental Health Sciences. Each student must keep and present a logbook for assessment at the end of his/her industrial attachment.

500 Level First Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
EHS 501Seminar2C
EHS 503Water/Air Quality Management2C
EHS 505Environmental Epidemiology2C
EHS 507Environmental Health Lab Practice2C
EHS 509Environmental Health Ethics - Regulations Policies and Laws2C
EHS 515Pollution Control2C
EHS 517Biometeorology2

Students who want to be registered and professionally certified by the Council to practice as Environmental Health Officers are advice to register with the Environmental Health Officers Registration Council of Nigeria (EHORECON).

500 Level Second Semester

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
EHS 502Research Project5C
EHS 504Occupational Health and Safety2C
EHS 510Monitoring and Evaluation1C
EHS 508Health Psychology and Sociology2C
EHS 514Pest Management Methods and Control2C
EHS 520Biomedical and Special Waste2C

General Electives

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitStatus
EHS 513Industrial Safety2E
EHS413Urban Planning and Sustainable Development2E
EHS 210Biodiversity and Climate Change2E
PHS524Health Education and Promotion3E
EHS 302General Pathology3E
EHS 415general Utilities and Environmental Health Issues2E
EHS320Environmental Health economics2E
EHS518Community Sanitation2E
EHS512Emergency Medical Care2E
NSC307Clinical Pharmacology and Chemotherapy3E
PHS401Community Reproduction and Adolescent Health2E
PHS511Applied Epidemiology (communicable and non-communicable diseases)2E

Registrable Carry Over Courses (for Returning Students)

New Course CodeNew Course CodeCourse TitleSemesterCredit UnitStatusHost Faculty
NSC205PHS201Human Anatomy IFirst3CFHS
NSC203NSC221Human PhysiologyFirst3CFHS
EHS205EHS206Climate Change and Contemporary IssuesSecond2CFHS
EHS203EHS208Hygiene Education and PromotionSecond2CFHS
NSC204PHS318Principle of EpidemiologySecond2CFHS
EHS307NSC303Concepts and Strategies in Public Community HealthSecond3CFHS
EHS322PHS401Community Reproduction and Adolescent HealthFirst2CFHS
NSC411PHS421Research Methods in Public HealthFirst3CFHS
EHS211EHS515Pollution ControlFirst2CFHS

FHS         Faculty of Health Sciences

FOS          Faculty of Sciences

CEGS       Centre of Entrepreneur and General Studies

Kindly note that students are to pick any three (3) Courses from the list of General Elctives.

Prospective/Returning Students